Friday, December 12, 2008

health plans

A few days ago, fresh off the heels of a reckless night filled with two packs of cigarettes and as much alcohol as I could possibly get into my system, I decided not to smoke that next day, just to give myself a little break from smoking. Besides that, I was broke as hell and buying a pack of cigs would put my bank account into the dangerously low category. So I went to work at the kid's house knowing at the very least I could bum a pack off his mother (who buys cheap cartons duty free when she flies).

That was Wednesday. And though I can't say I'm completely committed to quitting by any stretch of the imagination, I do think my days of daytime smoking for the sake of the "difficult" situation I've found myself in are quite over. It is another thing I have to think about him for and I'd rather not associate something I derive so much pleasure from with my ex boyfriend (Gosh, that feels great).

For now, I think I'll limit myself somewhat, to night time smoking, smoking at a bar, and a few cigarettes in my apartment because it gives me an excuse to sit by the window and enjoy the view.

When I do the lemonade diet, I won't smoke for two weeks and maybe that will be the catalyst for not smoking...again.

Yes, I plan on doing the lemonade diet again. Why? I know it will get the job done. I know I've tapered off on whatever weight I've lost already, I've reached the plateau and it's not going past 207. Two hundred and seven pounds. When I started dating my ex boyfriend (yeah that is nice) I was a svelte 170.

I've lost ten pounds since we broke up, most of it due to stress in the beginning. I'm a much better eater on my own. I tend to eat light, quick, easy meals that are meat free. I actually like healthy foods, especially ones that I know are good for me.

I'll gladly recount my experiences here. I enjoyed the first time so much, it might be interesting to see how they differ.

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